I have big plans for the Under Cloud, but I’ll be needing a cofounder / copilot / co-conspirator to get there. Question is, do you want to join me?
The myth of the second brain
Doing research is more than shoving a bunch of things into the same folder, adding a load of tags, or a combination of the two. Anyone working on large projects, or doing complex research (like a journalist or an academic) knows that folders and tags have their limitations.
Bookmarks are dead
Anyone working on large projects, or doing complex research (like a journalist, a student, or a scientist) knows that bookmarks have their limitations.
When failure becomes knowledge
Look, I’m no scientist, but I’ve known a few! Each of us has a super power, and it comes into force somewhere between the hearing and the listening, and unlike some, I choose to listen to the scientists… While reading Eric Jorgenson’s collation of articles on customer development, he asked: “Where are all the write-ups […]
What’s new in the Under Cloud
Like you, I use the Under Cloud as a digital research assistant, and I’m perhaps the more critical than most when it comes to using it, and what to expect of it! So, I’m always working hard to improve its research capabilities for everyone. 8 improvements to the reading, writing, and editing experience A lot […]
Yes, we have a new feature for the Under Cloud, one designed for those on mobile devices — so that’s everyone, then. While the Under Cloud has an extension for Google Chrome that allows us to save a selection of text from a web page, what’s been lacking is the option to automate the saving […]
In the last 48 month, I’ve written over 330k words, and read almost 4.7m words, using the Under Cloud.
What’s the big idea?
In the end, we the people decide what ideas make a difference.
Opinion is not a requirement of belief, and that’s what makes it such an amazing, flawed, powerful, and fragile thing.
Yes, this is a bold claim, but it helps to aim high and to cultivate some self belief in what we do. So if it’s not the ultimate now, the goal is to — paraphrase the great Captain Jean-Luc Picard — make it so!